Community Climate Action

Amy Lint, Climate Solution Strategist, Project New Village

Environment and climate change directly affects us, by the air we breathe, the food we buy, how we live and get to work each day. With community organizations like ours, the city of San Diego now has a Climate Action Plan which outlines steps toward a more sustainable place to live, work and play.

You might wonder how you can contribute to this climate friendly vision? One of the strategies is Clean Communities. Now that we have received a green bin at our place of residence, food scraps and organic material can be recycled!

Recycling food scraps and other plant material plays an important part in keeping harmful methane gases out of our atmosphere. At Mt. Hope Community Garden, we take food scraps and carefully manage them to make heated piles of compost. The food scraps and plant materials break down and turn into rich nutrient compost material. Once the organic materials have gone through the heated process, we now have rich soil amendment for growing our food plants.

Learn more about how to recycle food scraps at home, how to compost, or ask questions every 3rd Saturday at Mt. Hope Community Garden. Join in on hands-on composting demonstrations. We look forward to seeing you there!