PROJECT: Good Food, EP.6
PROJECT: Good Food
Episode 6 – George Washington Carver, Agricultural Waymaker
Inventor, painter, pianist, and one of the most prominent black scientists of the early 20th century, George Washington Carver was truly a brilliant man who was ahead of his time. In this episode, hosts Brandon Johnson and N. Diane Moss take a look at the remarkable life of this man and how his incredible ingenuity, work ethic, and dedication to sustainability and being self-sufficient led to over 300 inventions that continue to impact agriculture and farming practices today.
Joining our host are two very special guests: Ian Moreland, Garden Manager and Community Gardening Programs Lead for Project New Village, and Rodney West, Manager of the People’s Produce Mobile Farmers Market. Both men are Master Gardeners in San Diego and are dedicated to urban agriculture and the benefits of producing and consuming fresh, hyper-local foods in our neighborhoods.

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